2022 CEMOs Call for Seed Proposals

Call for Proposals

Call for Seed Proposals 2022

CEMOs Seed Proposals RFP 2022.pdf



Mississippi EPSCoR Center for Emergent Molecular Electronics
The Mississippi EPSCoR NSF RII Track 1: Center for Emergent Molecular Optoelectronics (CEMOs) is soliciting proposals for seed funding for 2022. Assistant professors at Mississippi institutions of higher learning who are not currently funded by the CEMOs core effort are eligible to apply.

The proposals must be for new unfunded research related to the four research focus areas (RFAs) within the center: Infrared Organic Optoelectronic Materials & Technologies, Multifunctional Macromolecular Materials with Tunable Electronic Structures, Emergent Materials for Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Interfaces, and NIR-SWIR Emissive Materials for Bioimaging & Sensing.

Seed grant proposals should target research that builds on the foundation of existing research focus areas, extends the breadth of research in the four research areas, and/or that establishes bridges between the focus areas. Applicants are encouraged to read the description of CEMOs at https://www.msepscor.org/research/epscor-track1 and to discuss the proposed research with the Science Director or co-leaders of the RFAs prior to submission (contact information below).

Funding (one year):
Funding is for one year. Individual proposals may request a maximum of $25,000 including F&A. Linked proposals from two or more MS institutes of higher learning may request a maximum of $50,000 per award including F&A. In linked proposals, a single proposal is submitted, but separate budgets are submitted for each institution.

NSF EPSCoR requires cost sharing of 20% of total NSF costs (i.e., $5,000 for a $25,000 award).  

Proposal Format:
I. Cover Page

  • Title of Proposal
  • PI and CoPI(s) contact information
  • Full name, title, institutional affiliation, phone number, e-mail address
  • Type of proposal: regular or linked

II. Proposal (3 pages max)

  • Overview, objectives, and significance
  • Research plan
  • Nature of proposed collaboration with ongoing CEMOs research activities

III. Budget

  • Budget including cost share (NSF format, 1 page)
  • Budget justification (1 page)

Budgets may include faculty salaries, postdoctoral salaries, graduate and undergraduate student salaries, fees, and tuition, supplies, contractual, equipment and travel. The budgets must include appropriate fringes on all personnel salary and must include F&A. No subcontracts are allowed.

IV. Appendices

  • Literature cited
  • NSF biosketch (2 page max) for each investigator
  • Statement agreeing to provide a final report and to present the research results at the annual CEMOs meeting

Reporting Requirements:
Grantees are required to submit a final report (1-3 pages) within 2 months of the end of the grant period. The report should detail the activities, publications, extramural grant application(s), and/or extramural grant awards arising from support. Include names, degrees and demographic information for any coworkers supported by the award. A reminder will be sent 1 month before the report is due.

Proposal Review:
Proposals will be reviewed by external reviewers for scientific merit, relevance to CEMOs’ aims, multi-disciplinary collaboration, justification of budget, potential for rapid success including subsequent submissions of full proposals to external agencies, and training opportunities for graduate students especially those from underrepresented groups. Awards will be made by the CEMOs management team on recommendation by the Science Leadership Team.

Submission Procedure, Deadline and Notification of Award
Deadline:  August 15, 2022 - Extended to August 30, 2022
Anticipated Notification of Award:  October 3, 2022

Proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file at the following link:

Proposals submitted in response to this solicitation should be prepared and submitted in accordance with your institutional guidelines by the appropriate authorized official (Sponsored Programs Office).


Questions about the CEMOs Seed Funding Proposals should be directed to: 

Dr. Sarah Morgan
Science Director
Center for Emergent Molecular Optoelectronics
Mississippi EPSCoR Program
University of Southern Mississippi

Science Leadership Team Contacts:

RFA1. Infrared Organic Optoelectronic Materials & Technologies
Dr. Jason Azoulay, Lead
University of Southern Mississippi

Dr. Neeraj Rai, Co-Lead
Mississippi State University

RFA2: Multifunctional Macromolecular Materials with Tunable Electronic Structures
Dr. Neeraj Rai, Lead
Mississippi State University

Dr. Jason Azoulay, Co-Lead
University of Southern Mississippi

RFA3. Emergent Materials for Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Interfaces<
Dr. Jared Delcamp, Lead
University of Mississippi

Dr. Glake Hill, Co-Lead
Jackson State University

RFA4. NIR-SWIR Emissive Materials for Bioimaging & Sensing
Dr. Colleen Scott, Co-Lead
Mississippi State University

Dr. Eden Tanner, Co-Lead
University of Mississippi

Dr. Jerzy Leszczysnki, Co-Lead
Jackson State University

Dr. Santanu Kundu, Site Lead
Mississippi State University